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18 / may / 2016, 7:00pm











film screening and panel discussion


literaturhaus frankfurt

schöne aussicht 2

by portraying the fates of three migrants in malta, the film "stepping forward" presents us with a global view of the humanitary challenge europe is facing today.

the documentary will be followed by a panel discussion about the meaning and shift of borders in the 21st century.



dr. nargess eskandari-grünberg

head of the department of integration, city of frankfurt


prof. dr. nicole deitelhoff

international relations and theories of global order cluster of excellence "normative orders", goethe university frankfurt am main


dr. reinhard marx

lawyer, specialist for rights of residence, asylum and citizenship


ulrike kübler

director and producer "stepping forward"


panel host

dr. felix hanschmann

passociate professor, albert-ludwigs-university freiburg

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